Eurener / Spania.

Det viktigste eco+ gjør i hverdagen, er å sørge for at produktene vi selger er så miljøvennlige som mulig, best mulig kvalitet, og med minst fotavtrykk for fremtiden


Eurener is an industrial group established in 1997 in the European Center for Innovative Enterprises (CEEI). Throughout these 25 years of experience, we have developed a production process and know-how that has resulted in a certified product of high quality and multiple applications, establishing a relationship of total trust with our customers thanks to our personalized service.


At Eurener, we are working towards a 100% renewable and sustainable planet. This commitment means that our main purpose has been to supply sustainable and long-lasting photovoltaic modules that will allow future generations to continue generating clean energy to take care of our planet.


Since our beginnings, we have worked to promote solar energy globally, strengthening multiple partners in different countries and continents. We have always been driven to work under the standards of quality, commitment and demand of a family business with a culture based on effort, creativity and excellence.


For bolig

Optimalisert for Norske forhold, Ammoniakkbestandig.

2990,- pr. plate (7,11wp) inkl. mva

80.910,- 12Kw pakke (29 stk) 2.790,- inkl.mva/6,64wp


For Næring/industri/landbruk

Optimalisert for Norske forhold, Ammoniakkbestandig.


3290,- pr. plate (7,15wp) inkl. mva

343.200,- 50Kw pakke (110 stk) 3.120,- inkl.mva/6,78wp

MEPV 132/440W

For bolig

Optimalisert for Norske forhold, Ammoniakkbestandig.

3.299,- pr. plate (7,49wp) inkl. mva

99.168,- 14Kw pakke (32 stk) 3.099,- inkl.mva / 7,43,-wp